Research with taste

Food of the future

Nutrition research at MLU is broad-based. It goes far beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines, because its subject matter is as extensive as it is complex. The scientists are working on counteracting the progression of diseases through targeted changes in nutrition. read more >>
Uncovering the secrets of fat cells
Professor Martin Gericke investigates inflammatory reactions in adipose tissue. One aspect he is investigating is why not all obese people suffer from typical diseases of affluence associated with obesity, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. read more >>
Peas with a twist
At first glance, legumes are not necessarily what one would call hipster food. Their image fluctuates between cosy home-cooked meals and flatulence – without merit, counters Emilie Wegner. A graduate of MLU, the nutritionist has now founded her own company called “Hülsenreich”. She will begin producing tasty snacks from this underestimated local produce. Her project has already won awards. read more >>