Student teachers Corinna Döhner and Simon Herbrich check out the Bee-Bots, which can be used to explain the basics of algorithms in maths lessons.
© Heiko Rebsch
04.07.2024 in Featured

Teaching in the future

Bee robots instead of whole class instruction: the University of Halle is preparing its student teachers for modern ways of working in schools. Read more

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
© / MLU
30.06.2023 in Featured, Science, Research

All 17 goals in view

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals play a major role at the university. A new research atlas lists more than 450 projects that deal with them - from education, to medicine and physics. Read more

The art installation by Pedro Marzorati entitled "Where the Tides Ebb and Flow" draws attention to the rising sea level.
© picture alliance / AP Photo / Francois Mori
21.10.2022 in Featured, Science

The art of change

The climate crisis and energy transition are a topic for many different scientific disciplines. A German studies scholar at the university is examining how art and literature are tackling these issues. Read more

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