From left to right: Selma Gago Zachert, Torsten Gursinsky and Sven-Erik Behrens are collaborating on the project.
© Heiko Rebsch
11.06.2024 in Science, Research, Knowledge Transfer

A profile for the cell police

Farmers around the world apply four million tons of chemical pesticides onto their fields each year. A team of MLU researchers has been trying to put a stop to that using specially developed vaccines. The scientists now want to transfer their research from the laboratory to agricultural practice. Read more

Eva Kantelhardt in conversation with her Ethiopian colleague Veronica Afework (left) in Halle
© Markus Scholz
30.06.2023 in Featured, Science

Cooperation on an equal footing

Professor Eva Kantelhardt is a medical doctor committed to improving healthcare in African countries. One focus of her work is the treatment of cancer in women in Ethiopia and other sub-Saharan countries. Read more

Clip from a video created in the project
© Lena Hällmayer / Georg Krefeld
30.06.2023 in Featured, Science

“Social cohesion begins in the daycare centre”

Daycare groups, especially in cities, are nowhere near as diverse as the population structure in the surrounding community. Why is that and what does it mean? Education professor, Dr Johanna Mierendorff, talks about the findings of her research project “Preschool provision and segregation”. Read more