The three founders -  Andreas Simon, Marcus Böhme  and René Wartner (from left) - conduct research at the university’s new Protein Centre.
© Maike Glöckner
06.05.2020 in Featured, Science, Knowledge Transfer

Enzyme adhesive for combating cancer

René Wartner, Andreas Simon and Marcus Böhme have developed a technology that can be used to treat tumours with pinpoint accuracy. Their enzyme adhesive should allow toxins to bind to antibodies and be transported in a targeted way to cancer cells. The three biochemist entrepreneurs plan to market their idea. Read more

Pharmacists use electrospinning to produce fibres that are used, among other things, to treat eye diseases.
© Maike Glöckner
06.05.2020 in Featured

In a targeted way

Whether new active ingredients or improved active ingredient transport: researchers at the University of Halle are working on the precise and more tolerable treatment of diseases. Read more

Landesarchäologe Harald Meller (links) und Geologe Gregor Borg mit der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra
© Maike Glöckner
21.10.2019 in Featured

Gold fever

Researchers solve mystery surrounding the Nebra Sky Disk – with a precious metal playing a decisive role in more than just the famous Bronze Age discovery. Read more

Archaeologist François Bertemes in the institute’s repository
© Maike Glöckner
21.10.2019 in Featured, Science, Research

Early networks

For eight years, Professor François Bertemes coordinated research on the context of Nebra Sky Disc. The discovery of the disc has prompted archaeologists to completely rethink their notions about life in the Early Bronze Age. Read more

Dietrich H. Nies – here in the lab with Lucy Bütof – has been researching a gold-forming bacterium for years.
© Maike Glöckner
17.10.2019 in Featured, Science, Research

The tiny philosopher’s stone

The bacterium C. metallidurans is most notable for its perseverance, thriving in areas contaminated with heavy metals. It has attracted the attention of a research group in Halle, led by Professor Dietrich H. Nies, but for an entirely different reason: it produces microscopic gold nuggets. Read more

Suzanne Roß in a nutrition research lab - where cocoa beans are also examined.
© Maike Glöckner
30.04.2019 in Featured, Research

Food of the future

Nutrition research at MLU is broad-based. It goes far beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines, because its subject matter is as extensive as it is complex. The scientists are working on counteracting the progression of diseases through targeted changes in nutrition. Read more

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