It’s hard to escape the reformer’s face during the 2017 jubilee year.
© behnelux gestaltung, unter Verwendung von Wikimedia Commons, User: Fa, Botaurus,CranachCCCP, Trzęsacz
23.03.2017 in Miscellaneous, Featured

What remains

There’s a Martin Luther Playmobile figure and a Martin Luther noodle. It’s hard to escape the reformer’s face during the 2017 jubilee year. But what does the Reformation have to do with the present day? A lot, say researchers from many disciplines at the University of Halle. Because the Reformation’s legacy extends far beyond that of theology. Read more

Tradition and modernity: In Chad oil firms are located in direct proximity to traditional huts of the local population. Dr Andrea Behrends has been studying the social and cultural impact of oil production since 2003.
© Andrea Behrends
13.10.2016 in Featured, Research, Science

Oil in Chad: a blessing and a curse

When a country has access to oil reserves, this goes hand in hand with unimaginable wealth, right? Chad is one of the poorest countries in the world. Since 2003 oil has been produced in this central African state. For twelve years, ethnologist Dr Andrea Behrends has been onsite examining how its society and culture have been changed by oil production. Read more

Soil scientists travel to the remote Bale Mountains to conduct research.
© Indrik Myneur / CC 2.0 BY
13.10.2016 in Featured, Research, Science

Ice age in Ethiopia: refuge in the mountains?

Did the people in Ethiopia take refuge in the mountains during the last great ice age 16,000 years ago? An international team of soil scientists, archaeologists and biologists are conducting research on this as part of a new project entitled “The Mountain Exile Hypothesis”. To do this, soil scientists from Halle will be traveling to the remote Sanetti Plateau to examine the soil there and use modern biogeochemical methods to look for traces of mankind that are thousands of years old. Read more

The students conducting their fieldwork near Balgstädt.
© Maike Glöckner
13.10.2016 in Featured, Research, Science

Measuring nature

Crickets chirp at the edge of the forest, otherwise all is quiet in the Nature Park Saale Unstrut Triasland. Nine students from the University of Halle are working intently despite the midday heat. It is their last day in the field and there is still a lot left to do. In the master’s module Outdoor Ecology the up-and-coming biologists are learning what it means to conduct fieldwork in four investigation areas near Freyburg. Read more

Pictures, videos, worksheets: A lot of teaching and learning material can be found on the Internet.
© Anke Tornow
07.04.2016 in Featured

Free educational resources for everyone?

Not only are research data and scientific publications often freely accessible online, today a lot of teaching and learning material can also be found on the Internet – in the form of textbooks, videos, entire online courses, and worksheets. The term “open educational resources” (OER) was first used in 2002 to refer to any teaching and learning resources that were in the public domain, free to use, or which could be developed or changed under an open licence agreement. Read more

Katrin Moeller works in the institute’s new building on the Steintor Campus. This is also where the Historical Data Centre of Saxony-Anhalt is located.
© Michael Deutsch
07.04.2016 in Featured

Data tells history

Regardless of whether they are old photos or town records, historical data is the basis for conducting research at the Institute of History. But what needs to be taken into account when working with and digitalising data? Budding historian Dr Katrin Moeller advises in this area. Read more

From historical manuscripts to digital databases: Stephan Feller (left) and Stefan Artmann sit down for a chat in the ULB’s Hungarian Library.
© Michael Deutsch
07.04.2016 in Featured, Miscellaneous, Research, Science

Making science freely available: Open access publishing

The open access movement began 15 years ago. Prof. Stephan Feller, a molecular biologist, and Dr. Stefan Artmann, a private lecturer in philosophy, discuss how it will change science in 2016 and the opportunities and challenges that will arise as a result of its development into an open exchange of specialist publications. It is a topic that occupies both men. Feller is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Open Access Journal “Cell Communication and Signalling”. Artmann, who heads up the presidential office at the Leopoldina, is a member of the working group “Open Access”, part of the priority initiative “Digital Information” of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany. Read more

Still deserted at the time this photograph was taken: Halle University’s newest campus.
© Markus Scholz
13.10.2015 in Miscellaneous, Featured

Steintor-Campus: All moved in

Winter semester saw classes start up on the Steintor Campus for the first time. The campus is Halle University’s fourth largest after University Square, the Francke Foundations and Weinberg Campus with its nearby hospital. The idea of concentrating all of the humanities and social sciences departments in one location has been 15 years in the making. Read more

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