Steven Dreissig heads an Emmy Noether junior research group
© Markus Scholz
19.04.2022 in Science, Research

A researcher, DNA and rye under stress

There was a time when Dr Steven Dreissig would not have chosen to go into research - now, the agricultural scientist heads an Emmy Noether junior research group in which he is tracking down the genetic mechanisms of evolution. Read more

Gunnar Dumke has examined 4,500 coins. The image of a silver tetradrachm of the Indo-Greek ruler Archebios is on the monitor behind him (coin collection of the Berlin State Museums, photographer: Lutz-Jürgen Lübke).
© Jens Schlüter
23.02.2022 in Science, Research

The secrets of ancient coins

Historians are still partly in the dark when it comes to the history of Central Asia. Little is known about the Greek kingdoms that were established in the course of Alexander the Great’s conquests. Gunnar Dumke, an ancient historian and archaeologist, has examined 4,500 coins that provide far more information about the rulers than any written sources. Read more

Doctoral candidate Philine Stötzner works on the high vacuum system.
© Jens Schlüter
08.02.2022 in Science, Research

Sodium on the move

A team of physicists from the MLU are taking part in a collaborative project to investigate which processes lead to interface defects in thin-film solar cells. Read more

Citizen scientist Isa Brähler, doctoral student Moritz Müller, citizen scientist Joachim Hassel and project manager Katrin Moeller (from left to right) in the library of St. Mary’s Church where the original church records are kept.
© Michael Deutsch
20.10.2021 in Featured, Science, Research

Genealogy research for science

Isa Brähler and Joachim Hassel are gathering data from old church records as part of a citizen science project. Their efforts form the basis of the work being done by researchers at MLU to find out more about the marriages of 19th-century families in Halle. Their aim is to better understand social class structure at the time. Read more

A Europe-wide citizen science project deals with cowslip - Sabrina Träger coordinates the German-speaking part of it.
© karamba2106 /
20.10.2021 in Featured, Science, Research

Perceptual pitfalls

Data from citizen science projects are of great value for research but can potentially lead to skewed results. This was the finding of a study done in collaboration with the University of Halle. What does this mean for such projects? A conversation with co-author Professor Jonathan Chase and Dr Sabrina Träger, who coordinates the German part of a citizen science project on cowslip. Read more

Timo Faltus
© studioline Leipzig
20.10.2021 in Featured, Science, Research

What is allowed in citizen science?

Citizen science projects enrich science - but a clear legal framework has yet to be established. Therapy-oriented initiatives particularly need a defined ethical and legal research framework. Biologist and lawyer Dr Timo Faltus is currently working to establish this. Read more

Timo Niedermeyer with cyanobacteria that are being prepared for cultivation
© Markus Scholz
29.09.2021 in Science, Research

Hunt for the eagle killer

For decades, the cause of eagle deaths in the U.S. remained a mystery. With the help of Professor Timo Niedermeyer and his team, the crime story-like case was finally solved. In March, it became the cover story of the journal “Science”. Read more

The Handel monument on the market square in Halle
© Katharina Nitschke
16.08.2021 in Science, Context

Genius? Plagiarist? Or both?

Georg Friedrich Handel based his compositions on the works of other artists more than almost any other musician of his era. Although such practices are often rejected as “plagiarism” or “forgery” in the modern world, they should be studied carefully in Handel’s case. The musicologist Professor Wolfgang Hirschmann reviews the research carried out so far. Read more